Caesarean Delivery
Caesarean delivery also known as a C-section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen. At Vardhman hospital, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh we promote and encourage normal delivery but there are certain situations in which normal delivery is not possible. In case your labour is not progressing even after trying to take pains or inducing the pain through medicine or there are multiple loops of umbilical cord around the neck, the child is not getting enough oxygen or you have any medical issues then the gynaecologist at Vardhman hospital, Uttar Pradesh will go for a caesarean delivery which is in the best interest of mother and child.
We don’t consider previous caesarean delivery as a reason to go for caesarean delivery. At Vardhman, we have many cases who had undergone caesarean section in their previous delivery but successfully delivered normally in their subsequent pregnancy.
Surgery & Recovery
In normal delivery you wait for labor pain to start however caesarean delivery is mostly planned. Your treating gynaecologist at Vardhman hospital Muzaffarnagar will give you a date for admission. You will undergo investigations after which an anaesthetist will examine you along with your reports to declare you fit for anaesthesia.
At the stipulated time you will be shifted to operation theatre and administered spinal anaesthesia. The child is delivered through an incision just above your pubic area. You are kept sedated and under influence of pain killers which is slowly withdrawn. You stay in hospital is for 2-3 days and are discharged after that. Stitches /staples are removed on day 10, however, you are advised not to lift heavy objects for a period of 4-6 weeks post-delivery.

Our Doctors
The team of obstetricians and gynaecologists is led by Dr Nutan Jain who is the head of the department at Vardhman Hospital, Muzaffarnagar . She is an internationally acclaimed gynaecologist with more than 30 years experience. Dr Jain is ably supported by her team that includes Dr Vandana Jain, Dr Sangeeta Sharma and Dr Aruna Arya. At Vardhman hospital our focus has always been towards doing ethical practice. However the safety of mother and child is above all and we will always take a decision which is best for the mother and child.
While our gynaecologists ensure that mother is healthy and comfortable, our team of paediatricians and neonatologists take care of the new born. Our paediatricians and neonatologists are experienced in handling the premature babies with utmost precision.
Cost and Facilitation
Cost of a caesarean delivery at Vardhman Hospital in a single deluxe room is approximately INR 50,000 which includes stay in the hospital for two days. The package includes the cost of the stay, nursing charges, patient meals, labor room charges, gynaecologist fee, paediatrician fee, cost of medicine and consumables. If you need a blood transfusion then the cost of blood product would be extra. There are situations wherein another surgery is done at the same sitting in which case the package for the second surgery would be added. The cost of new born baby's admission and vaccination would be INR 8000-10000.
If the gynaecologist terms the delivery as high risk delivery then the package rates won’t be applicable and the cost would be higher. Cost of stay of the baby in NICU in case of pre term delivery would also be on actual.