Hospital Admission
When you consult an Vardhman Physician either at the OPD or the Emergency and your condition requires hospitalization whether for few hours call day care admission or for few days called Hospital Admission then you have to reach out to the Admission Desk at the IPD services Counter on the Ground Floor. If you are a self paying patient then the concerned person at the admission desk would make the admission and allot you a bed. You have to make an advance deposit at the time of the admission which is Rs. 20000 for emergency admissions and 90% of the estimated treatment expenses for planned admissions. The patient and the attendants have to sign the admission form and treatment consent forms at the time of the admission. For patients whose payment is to be done either through insurance or their organization there is a dedicated help desk which assists them in completing the formalities. For such cases the patient has to make a deposit of Rs. 10000 till the approval from the concerned agency is received. For planned admissions the approval can be taken prior to the admission while for emergency cases the approval request is sent to the insurance company after the admission is done. The insurance company normally takes 2-4 hours for granting the approval. The time taken can sometimes increase if the insurance company has some queries either from the hospital or at their end.
Packages For Treatment
Vardhman Hospital offers Special Packages for most of the Surgical treatments. The package for each surgery would be different for each category of bed. The packages are defined in terms of the doctor fee, anaesthetist fee, room rent, medicines and consumables, doctor visit and routine tests. The standard packages are not applicable if the patient is risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease or age related risks. The packages do not include ICU stay, special investigations, consultation visits of other specialists and stay beyond the prescribed package duration. If the stay is extended then all the charges incurred during the extended stay would be over and above the prescribed package. For non surgical treatments or emergency admissions no packages could be given. For such cases you must take an estimate from the billing counter and must check your running bill on a daily basis. For admission done under the package billing the entire amount of the package has to be deposited at the time of the admission while for non package cases you must make sure that your bill never exceeds the deposited amount.

Discharge Process
The discharge process commences when the admitting consultant announces the discharge and marks it on the patient file. The nursing counter will initiate the discharge process by informing the billing and the pharmacy about the impending discharge. The pharmacy and the nursing department will bill all the pending services and consumables by checking the patient file at the time of the discharge. Any unused medications which will not be used post discharge would be returned to the pharmacy and the amount reduced from the patient bill. This process normally takes 1-2 hours in case of self paying patients and 4-12 hours in case of insurance patients depending on the approval received from the insurance company. For all insurance cases the approval received is not for the full amount as all the insurance companies have a list of non payable items. This amount is to be paid by the patient at the time of final billing in insurance or cashless cases. Once the final bill is prepared and any pending payment is done then clearance for discharge is given by the billing department. The nurse would then handover the discharge summary and explain the medications and any other post discharge instructions. All the reports would be handed over to the patient in self payment cases while no reports would be given in insurance cases.
Insurance cases
If you are covered by a Health Insurance Plan then you must check with your Insurance Company or the Third Party Administrators whether is hospital is on the list of Cashless providers or not before getting admitted to the hospital. If the hospital is not on the list of Cashless Providers, you can still take treatment at the hospital by making self payment and then claiming the payment from the Insurance Company. The hospital Insurance Desk will help you in preparing and submitting the documents for getting this reimbursement. For getting reimbursement you have to submit the Insurance Company Claim form properly filled, Hospital Discharge Summary in original, Hospital Bill, Test Reports, Bills of other doctors, pharmacies, laboratories which you have incurred either before the admission or after discharge within the period stipulated as per your policy terms. You have to attach a cancelled cheque so that the claim amount can be remittted to your bank account by the insurance company. The claim for reimbursement has to be submitted to the insurance company within 7 days from the date of discharge and the payment is normally received in your bank account within 15-45 days of the submission of the claim.